Zone Startups Ventures in Vietnam invests in its first four startups, with two more added to Ryerson Futures Ventures

As accelerator program Zone Startups Vietnam passes its one-year anniversary, the Zone Startups Ventures Fund based in Singapore has made its first four investments in growing companies in the program.
Simultaneously, the Canadian fund, Ryerson Futures Ventures, has also invested in two Ryerson Futures companies: BuyProperly and Flyshot.
Take a look at the briefs below to learn about these diverse additions to both our portfolios.
Investments in Vietnam
Cloudwater provides a comprehensive end-to-end software solution that offers support from the first installation to the final payment, and maintains that support throughout the water use process—synchronizing hardware and infrastructure, detecting abnormalities in water meters, and preventing water loss.
An education assessment and booking platform, Edu2Review is striving to become Asia’s premiere educational evaluation tool. As the first brand in the Vietnamese education ecosystem, it has the mission of contributing a real value to society, helping students choose the best-suited educational services, measuring teaching quality, facilities, learning environments, and more.
GoStream is an automated livestream platform, allowing the transfer of VODs from YouTube and Google Drive to live video on Facebook and YouTube.
A marketing and communications platform, MediHub is focused on the health and wellness industry, disseminating information via digital platforms and communal information distribution.
Investments in Canada
BuyProperly allows buyers to invest in real estate through fractional ownership, aiming to democratize real estate investing with AI-driven deal sourcing and identification.
Flyshot is a mobile monetization engine that drives in-app transactions through deep-linked visual content published on any platform. They are the first in the industry to offer cost-per-action campaigns for social media creators on various platforms, with in-app conversations of over 225%.
Unsplash: Tron Le