“Phrazor” by Indian startup vPhrase Looks at Data and Writes just like a Human Analyst

If you work for a company, you’ve likely received a report in your inbox that you don’t understand: cells, numbers, columns, graphs, charts—so much data with no idea how to decipher what it all means. These reports are important in a company’s success story, so this obstacle—giving information to employees, managers, clients, and the public, in a concise and accessible way—is a challenging one.
A Mumbai-based company is looking to change the way we publish and disseminate data.
“Phrazor is an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes, reasons, and writes like a human being, in multiple languages,” says vPhrase’s CEO Neerav Parekh. “It is able to dissect and parse data and convey it in a natural, non-robotic voice.”
Essentially, Phrazor examines all that data and writes a digestible synopsis of what those numbers actually mean and what you should be taking away from them. So not only does it edit and simplify, it’s directing readers to the key points and takeaways.
Phrazor can write a narrative on any collection of data using an array of different voices, from a straight-forward writer to a friendly tone. It can even write a sports article mimicking a journalist, using information like hockey scores and stats to compile the piece.
“Everything in the report can be customized,” says Neerav. “From the tone and diction to the language and report structure, Phrazor reports can be adopted to your brand’s voice.” The diction even changes between similar reports so users never receive the same paragraphs, keeping regular reports unique and fresh.
Input can be manual or API-automated, and output integrates with emails, an online dashboard, or with your existing dashboard, depending on your needs. vPhrase, currently backed by Ryerson Futures among other investors, is already working with Unilever and India’s largest bank, HDFC Bank, among other companies, and hopes to expand to a broader, international audience in the very near future.
“Visualization is not insight,” says Neerav. “By deploying Phrazor, employers are able to personalize reports, save costs and, most importantly, improve productivity.”
For more information, check out vPhrase.com.
Flickr: malik